At Pet Parents Place we know there are some pets that are a little different to care for.  So we’ve provided these tips to help your experience with your pet rabbit more enjoyable.


Rabbits make great pets for any animal lover. They’re quiet, affectionate, and can be relatively low maintenance. Unlike cats and dogs, however, many people are not as comfortable with the idea of caring for a rabbit. Here are some general tips to care for your pet rabbit.

Feeding Your Rabbit

In general, a rabbit’s diet should consist of a combination of hay, vegetables, and pellets. This is because fiber is an essential part in maintaining a rabbit’s digestive tract. Hay should make up about 80% of your rabbit’s diet.  That should include a supplement of other dry and fresh foods about twice a day. Dark, leafy vegetables such as kale or spinach are best for your rabbit.  You should also sparingly add things like carrots, apples, and bananas. Water is an important part of your rabbit’s daily intake.  The water should be changed regularly to ensure it’s fresh and clean.

Spay or Neuter Your Rabbit

There are many benefits to spaying or neutering your pet rabbit. Rabbits that have been fixed live longer and healthier lives. This lowers the risk of certain cancers and urinary tract infections. In addition, spayed or neutered rabbits are overall calmer.  In addition to being more affectionate, and less aggressive or destructive. It is generally suggested to spay or neuter your rabbit between 3-5 months for males and 4-6 months for females.  But no later than 6 years of age.

Litter Training Your Rabbit

Training your rabbit to use a litter box can require some patience.  But the training will ultimately lead to a better environment for both you and your pet. There are various components to consider including what type of litter box to buy.  Other considerations are where to put them and what type of litter to use. The best thing to do in the beginning is watch where your rabbit naturally goes to the bathroom. And then put litter boxes in these locations. Typically, this will be in the back corner of their cage. There are also usual various spots throughout their exercise area. When your rabbit does use the litter box, be sure to provide him or her with a small treat to reinforce the positive behavior.

Clipping Your Rabbit’s Nails

Maintaining your rabbit’s nails on a regular basis is crucial for its comfort. And for the safety of you and your family members. Ask someone to assist in the process.  This is because it’s much easier to clip a rabbit’s nails while they are being held. In order to prevent injury by cutting a nail too short, it’s best to trim your rabbit’s nails on a regular basis. If you accidentally cut into the quick (the blood vessel), dip cotton ball in flour or cornstarch and hold it firmly against the cut. The more often you clip your rabbit’s nails, the more comfortable they will become with the process.  This will also make it easier for you.

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