Pets have Emerged as Heroes

For many people, pets have emerged as the heroes of the hour, providing umpteen hours of safe entertainment and love we can count on to keep our spirits up in the face of unprecedented challenges.

Poll showed relationships with pets during COVID-19

A poll conducted with over 2,200 people, including 1,384 pet owners, showed how not only changes to America’s relationships to its pets during COVID-19 but to what is spent on them and how and why new animal companions were acquired.

The pet study showed the following results (to name a few):

Pets are Cherished more during Pandemic

The pandemic has stepped up how much Americans cherish their pets. Six in ten reported valuing their animal companions more, and half said they were being more affectionate to them now.

More than half of people who got a new pet during the pandemic cite loneliness as a reason.

A Third of Pets came from Shelters

More than a third of new pets were acquired at shelters, followed by breeders and pet stores. For all the ways to get a pet, satisfaction was high and problems were low.

Pet Owners Follow Vet’s Advice

Veterinarians are trusted pet-care partners, with more than two-thirds of owners saying they’d follow their vet’s advice on treatment.

For more details from this National Pet Study, check here:

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