Does your dog suffer from anxiety, seizures, or joint pain?
Nothing else seems to work?
Looking for something new?
Try Barksy CBD oil.
CBD Oil has been Found to Help Treat Seizures
In recent years we have made leaps and bounds with natural remedies in the medical world.
The pet industry is no different. “ I don’t think that I will ever forget the first time I watched a dog have a seizure. I’ve never felt
so helpless before in my life.” CBD oil has been found to help treat seizures.
“ The 4th of July just passed a few weeks ago here in the good old U.S. of A. My heart broke
as I watched my cats shed stress over the sounds outside.” CBD oil could have helped her.
CBD can Help with Joint Pain
“ My friend rescued a Doberman a few years back on account of showing signs of old age. He
was having joint pain which made stairs hard to maneuver.”
CBD oil saved him from going back to die in a shelter.
CBD has been used for Treatment on Humans since 1970s
The oil itself became a separate compound in the 1940’s and began being used as treatment
for people in the 70’s. Since then we have learned a lot more about the chemical compound
and its medicinal effects.
But is it Right for your Dog?
Here’s some of the most common questions you may have about starting treatment with CBD oil like Barksy.
1. Is it legal?
While many laws are being passed about different hemp products, CBD oil doesn’t
contain THC, the illegal part of the plant extracts. So currently (2020) CBD is legal in all
50 states in America. Other countries may have their own regulations so a quick google
search might help.
2. How long does it take to start working?
While there can be a lot of factors in this answer, similar to their human counterpart,
weight and dose can affect the actual results. CBD oil like Barksy can take only between
30-90 minutes to start working. Some pets even see results within the first 5 minutes. So
it’s great for short term treatments, like car rides or those dreaded fireworks. The oil can
stay in their system for roughly a week after the last dose despite the effects wearing off
quicker. For it to take full effect, like for joint pain or skin issues, it could take between 2
and 4 weeks to see the full effect for long term issues like joint pain.
3. Will my dog get high?
Just like humans that use CBD oil, there are no “high” effects from the CBD due to
the lack of THC in the product.
4. Can pet’s overdose on CBD?
While a high does can cause some side effects, including but not limited to; vomiting,
sluggish reactions, and loss of bladder. None of these are cause for concern and most
vets just recommend that you keep them at home and watch for signs of dehydration. No
harmful or severe effects have been found.
5. Is CBD for pets different than the human grade product?
Barksy oil is made the exact same way human grade oil is extracted. A few small
differences are of course they have a yummy peanut butter flavor, and the dosage is
also different. Due to FDA requirements, the animal and human products also need
different labels.
How do I dose my pet?
The easy way! Pick up Barksy CBD oil. It comes in a spray bottle so that you know your
pet is always getting the right dose. They make it so easy. You can even just spray it on their
food. They make it so easy! No measuring, no math.
You really can’t lose with their product.
So, if you are looking for something to help calm your pet, or even to just get them through a
rough part, let’s face it, we all know that joint pain sucks, give Barksy CBD oil a try.
A new breed of pet health. Barksy CBD Oil.
Author: Lori Marsh
Check out our article on how to chose the best veterinarian for your pet.