Pet Parents Broken Hearts Mended with Free Website

Edgewater, MD, September 2019- – – Connie Bekavac has always loved animals. So, it’s no surprise to anyone who knows her that she became an animal advocate as an adult, adopting several older dogs and cats from shelters who were presumably abandoned by their owners for some reason. Bekavac began to wonder why such well-behaved and affectionate animals had wound up in a shelter in the first place. And whether their original owners even knew where they were or if others would be relieved to know their pets had found forever homes.

That compassion and concern for previous owners and the pets they may be missing, led to the launch of Pet Parents’ Place, an online tool that reconnects rescue pet parents – at no cost. It is Bekavac’s own labor of love on behalf of not only past owners of dogs and cats, but also the past families of horses and even birds. She funds all business operations herself but accepts donations that are then redistributed to rescue organizations.

Here’s how the Pet Parents’ Place website works:

Users enter a few details about their pet, such as breed, microchip ID number and/or the city and state where the animal was given up or lost. Once all the required information is entered, the system searches the database for animals matching the description provided and displays the results.

On its website, Pet Parents’ Place also shares pet resources and a listing of pet friendly services.

The stats seem to reinforce that Bekavac is indeed onto something: Approximately 6.5 million dogs and cats enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.2 million are adopted and about 710,000 are successfully returned to their owners.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about all the people out there who may have lost their pet or were forced to give them up due to unavoidable circumstances. I founded Pet Parents’ Place as a way to help mend the broken hearts of these people by giving them peace of mind knowing their animals had found loving homes,” explained Bekavac. “

For more information, go to


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